About The Cube Project

The Cube Project consists of 30 Cubes. Each Cube represents one of the 30 articles in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

The Cubes are sent to selected high schools in each corner of Sweden, from Piteå to Helsingborg. The Cubes are also found in France, Spain, Hungary and Serbia as a part of an international Cube network. 

The Cube project is conducted during one academic year and ends with an exhibition where the schools take part in each other's Cube work, receive a diploma and gain new networks. The Cube methodology invites students to learn about human rights and creatively express their insights and ideas during the learning journey. 

Through the Cube Project, students learn to act in the spirit of Raoul Wallenberg with compassion and civil courage.


With Raoul Wallenberg’s leadership as inspiration, Raoul Wallenberg Academy strengthens youth to stand up for human rights and act with civil courage. 

The organization was founded in 2001 by among others Nina Lagergren, Raoul Wallenberg’s sister. Every year, Raoul Wallenberg Academy engages tens of thousands of high school youth in Sweden through leadership training, school programmes in human rights and the yearly celebration of Raoul Wallenberg’s day on the 27th of August; Sweden’s national day for humanity and civil courage. 

The leadership shown by Raoul during World War II is more important today than ever. Based on his actions and values it is our objective to expose the importance of humane leadership.

You can read more about us here: www.raoulwallenberg.se


The international Cubes are possible through collaboration and support from the Swedish Institute (SI) and Swedish missions abroad. The Cube Project is a part of the SI's specially adapted toolkits that focus on human rights and democracy. 

You can read more about SI's work here: https://sharingsweden.se/toolkits/the-cube-project/

Through the Cube project we get to showcase how we want to change society
